/ fields
Below you'll find a listing of all our Port Moody Soccer Club playing fields. For more information about each field, including directions, photos, field type, etc. please click on that field.
Please take note of the important field notes below by clicking on ‘Field Notes’. These rules pertain to all City of Port Moody / PMSC playing fields.
Fields are subject to closure due to inclement weather or unsafe conditions. Fields may be closed by the City of Port Moody and/or the Port Moody Soccer Club. A determination of whether a field is playable will be made each Friday by 4pm.
Coaches and players should always check the PMSC website for the status of the Club’s soccer fields.
Games or Training shall not take place when Field Closure signs are posted.
Right before kick off, or during game play, the referee will have the right to cancel the game if there is standing water on the field, or if the field is deemed dangerous.
Per City of Port Moody and PMSC field usage rules, no spectators are permitted on any of the soccer fields to protect the playability of the fields – only coaches and players are permitted. Check each field for the locations of where spectators should view soccer games.
Absolutely no dogs are allowed on any Port Moody field.
Always check the website first for field closures, as this will be the most up to date info.